I am an FFL dealer, and can ship to your local FFL.
Illinois and Kentucky residents add sales tax.
Visa and MasterCard accepted. Call to process cards.
Postal Money Order / Cashier's check also accepted.
For purchases over $2,000, bank drafts are accepted. Call or e-mail for instructions.
No additional charges for bank drafts / wire transfers.
Shipping only to FFL.
Insurance and signature requirement will be included in any shipping costs.
I will need a copy of the License to ship to via e-mail or mailed hardcopy.
I will include a copy of my FFL with the shipment, and will e-mail the buyer a tracking number.
I SHIP TO CALIFORNIA - handguns must be on the "California list".
However, This pistol IS NOT the California list and CANNOT be shipped for civilian purchase in CA.
John Wells
JW Specialty Consulting
Home Page: JW Specialty Consulting @ www.KYARMS.com